Category: ASP.NET Core

  • Uploading Large files with Angular 14 and ASP.NET Core 6

    It’s been a bit since my last post, and it was mostly me trying to figure out what to talk about next. I thought this would be an interesting post. NOTE: the code for this blog can be found here. So, uploading large files directly from a web site can be a burden. If the…

  • ASP.NET 6 JWT Unauthorized Issue With Multiple Servers

    Not long ago, my company upgraded to .NET Core and had some random authorization issues. Our general architecture is a load balancer that feeds a few API’s. After a user got logged in, he would immediately get logged out… Randomly. This caused us to look at our login process. So, the user would login which…

  • ASP.NET 6 and Dependency Injection

    From the beginning of the .NET Core era, Dependency Injection is to be used thoroughly. Controllers, Business Logic, and just about any other dependency can use Dependency Injection. So, what is it and how is it set up? (The source code for this project can be found on Github here.) What is Dependency Injection Dependency…

  • Using RabbitMQ in ASP.NET Core 6.0

    Continuing from my last post, here, let’s add the ability for an ASP.NET endpoint to queue a message to RabbitMQ. The source code can be found on Github here, please use that as a reference. First thing to do is to add an ASP.NET Core project to the solution. Right-click on the solution and select…