Category: Entity Framework

  • Tooling with Benchmark.NET – Entity Framework Core vs ADO.NET Part ][ – Multiple Inserts

    The previous post (here) left me wondering how slow Entity Framework Core was compared to ADO.NET. This post will be comparing performing 1k record inserts on both libraries. I’ve added the two benchmarks (using Benchmark.Net) to the code. Let’s have a look. (The code can be found here.) First, I’ll show the additions to the…

  • Tooling with Benchmark.NET – Entity Framework Core vs ADO.NET

    Benchmark.NET is a “Powerful .NET Library for Benchmarking” (link to Github, here). Simply, decorate a function with the Benchmark attribute and run the system in release mode and it’ll calculate mean, error, standard deviation, median, and even memory used. So I thought I’d use it to do a few comparisons between Entity Framework Core 6…

  • Sorting in Entity Framework Core

    Continuing from my last post. Let’s add a few endpoints that support sorting. If you’d like the source code, it can be found here. First, I will add a PagingViewModel.cs file to the Database project: This contains the Start index and the Count (which is used for pagination). Also, it has an OrderBy string as…

  • Tips and Tricks From a Senior C# Developer

    This blog is a bit different from my recent blogs. For this one, I’m assuming the reader already knows a bit of C# and Entity Framework. I’m going to discuss some do’s and do-not’s when communicating to a database. I will be using the source code from my first blog which is on Github here.…

  • .NET Minimal API’s vs Traditional API’s using K6

    This is my first post so I wanted to do something simple. Minimal API’s are new to .NET 6 and there’s a lot of talk about them. If you’re calling a database, are Minimal API’s faster? I say let’s load test it and see if it’s any better than the traditional model. For this, I…